Established in 2006, Mombacho Cigars was a premium boutique cigar manufacturer with the mission to be the purveyor of the most memorable cigar experience: The Mombacho Experience.

  • Refresh the visual identity and provide brand cohesion through design support for web, social, print, packaging, and sales & marketing collateral.
  • Execution of partnerships and collaborations: This started by working collaboratively from the beginning stages of partnership programs and pitch decks, followed by the design execution of packaging, and sales & marketing collateral.
  • Creative Support for experiential programs: This started strategy support for “The Mombacho Experience”, a 5 day/4 night multi-sensorial adventure that takes you through the art and science of cigar making, as well as the nature, history and culture of Nicaragua, followed by the design execution of supporting sales collateral, video editing for all brand channels, and any other supporting visual elements.

Diplimatico Partnership



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